Salt compound for preparation of SGS-18 heavy process fluids without solid phase for killing wells

TU 2458-002-84422077-2008

SGS-18 for density up to 1,300 kg/m3
SGS-18 for density up to 1,600 kg/m3
SGS-18 for density up to 1,800 kg/m3
SGS-18 for density up to 2,150 kg/m3


  • Certificate of conformity
  • Certificate for application in technological processes of oil production and transportation
  • Sanitary and epidemiological inspection statement

Description of the Proposal

The SGS-18 compound is used in preparation of heavy process fluids (kill fluid, well test fluid, etc.) with non-solid phase and density up to 1,600–2,150 kg/m3. The fluids are used for killing, testing, perforation and temporary abandonment of oil and gas wells. The compound is a free-flowing granulated powder of white or grey color.

In comparison with clay weighted fluids, the distinguishing features of the SGS-18 kill fluid are:

  • retention of the reservoir properties of the productive formation and well flow rate due to the absence of the solid phase;
  • substantial improvement of efficiency of operations in installation and repair of downhole equipment, especially in deep wells;
  • considerable reduction in expenses on preparation (the fluid can be prepared directly at the well-head in a stand-alone mode);
  • improved surface-active properties of brines help to retain the reservoir properties of the productive formation and increase reservoir permeability;
  • In comparison with the competing product — calcium bromide brine — the distinguishing features of the SGS-18 kill fluid are:
  • low corrosiveness, especially at temperatures above 90° С;
  • fair price.

Parameters of SGS-18-based fluid

Density kg/m3 1,600-2,150
Corrosion rate of Grade D pipe steel at 125°С mm/year less than 0.125
Permeability recovery factor b, % over 90
Plastic viscosity mPa×s 80-120
Relative viscosity T700/500, s 120-180
рН 3-7
Moisturizing ability P0, cm/hour 0.05
Crystallization temperature ˚C -40


SGS-18 well kill fluids can be used in wells with sulfurous products after additional treatment. The SGS-18 absorption capacity for hydrogen sulfide is up to 10 g/L. The solutions prepared with SGS-18 TU 2458-002-84422077-2008, depending on the grade, have low crystallization temperatures (minus 40°С and lower); they are non-aggressive to metal of casing and tubing pipes. SGS-18 compound-based kill fluids are compatible with chemicals used in oil production.

SGS-18 well kill fluids are successfully used in oil and gas wells in Western and Eastern Siberia.


Killing of oil, gas and gas-condensate wells: heavy well kill fluid without a solid phase.

Killing of oil, gas and gas-condensate wells for operations requiring downhole equipment: process fluid for downhole equipment running into the well. Well testing: process fluid for well testing. Well completion.

Estimated consumption of the SGS-18 compound for preparation of process fluids of different density:

The amount of the SGS-18 chemical agent and water for preparation of 1m3 of the solution at density of 1,600 kg/m3

The amount of the SGS-18 chemical agent and water for preparation of 1m3 of the solution at density of 1,800 kg/m3

The amount of the SGS-18 chemical agent and water for preparation of 1m3 of the solution at density of 2,000 kg/m3

The amount of the SGS-18 chemical agent for weighting up of the CaCl2 solution

Posted in Well kill fluids.